We are the fresh produce industry's go-to sustainability experts.

When you work with Measure to Improve, you have access to an entire team of sustainability experts.  Our expert team members are specialized in a diverse set of sustainability and agriculture-related topics and can help any fresh produce organization with its sustainability efforts.

Sustainability In Produce

Sustainability: A Vital Business Strategy for the Fresh Produce Industry

Across all industries, implementing a sustainability program or practices has rapidly become the cost of doing business. This is particularly true for the fresh produce industry. With new regulations cropping up and buyers increasingly asking their suppliers to report on an ever-expanding list of sustainability metrics, to remain competitive, you have to be moving forward on sustainability.

Regulators are responding to the mounting climate and environmental crisis, to which the current agriculture system contributes greatly, and buyers are responding to consumer demands, who are increasingly concerned about the sustainability of their purchases. Regulations and demand for sustainability will only keep growing, and being slow to implement sustainability practices may place your organization in a reactive position or at a competitive disadvantage.

However, the industry has and will continue to make significant advancements on the sustainability front. As we move forward, it will be essential to arm growers, processors, and shippers with the tools and resources they need to voluntarily implement the practices that make the most sense for their operations – before they are dictated.

At Measure to Improve, we agree and believe we can play an important role in your organization's sustainability efforts, whether you are starting out or already have a sustainability team on staff.

Speciality Fresh Produce - Measure to Improve

Measure to Improve Is Your In-House Sustainability Department

While more organizations recognize sustainability as a priority, few have organizational structures that are situated to treat sustainability as a business priority it is. Instead, sustainability activities and responsibilities have often fallen in the lap of teams or departments ill-equipped or lacking the capacity to make significant momentum or organizational changes. It's also critical for any sustainability personnel or team to be able to speak the language of the entire organization – from the growers to the marketing team to the CEO - and communicate why sustainability is critical for business. This insight is essential for understanding what barriers there are up and down the organization and driving organizational change.

Making true strides and getting sustainability programs right requires capacity and expertise, which is why hiring a consulting firm like Measure to Improve may be the right decision for your organization. Measure to Improve is the fresh produce industry's go-to sustainability experts. Organizations that work with us have access to an entire team of sustainability experts specialized in a diverse set of sustainability and agriculture-related topics and can help any fresh produce organization with its sustainability efforts. Whether an organization is just starting a program, looking for additional support and capacity, or seeking guidance, we can help.

Having an internal sustainability staff member or team is also an option. In fact, we encourage it. Internal sustainability teams demonstrate your organization’s sustainability commitment. However, as an organization’s sustainability efforts expand and diversify, expecting existing sustainability staff to be experts in all facets may be an unrealistic expectation, or staffing a team may be cost-prohibitive. That’s an advantage of working with a consulting firm like Measure to Improve. We provide that expertise in niche areas and give your sustainability staff or team the capacity boost they need to fast-track sustainability efforts. We can work with you and build partnership that works for your organizational needs.

In-House Sustainability Department

Support fresh produce industry producers and processors in measuring, improving, and building credible sustainability programs that generate environmental, social, and financial benefits.

Our Mission

Shape a sustainable fresh produce industry that is resilient, healthy, collaborative, and prosperous.

Our Vision

Our Purpose

Measure to Improve exists to strategically guide produce companies on their sustainability journey, navigating the complexities to measure, improve and credibly promote their progress toward environmental health, social and economic vitality.

Our Values

Measure to Improve Values

We do everything with integrity, from taking care of each other as a team to serving our clients with dedication, upholding professionalism, ensuring no one is left behind, and striving for excellence not just for financial success but by doing things the right way. 

We encourage the fresh produce industry to take a proactive approach meaningfully addressing sustainability rather than wait until it becomes dictated. 

We want to help define what sustainability means for the fresh produce industry and communicate its economic, social, and environmental benefits. 

We want to move the industry forward through supply-chain-wide collaboration

We want to guide companies in adopting sustainability programs and practices that increase profitability, market visibility, and employee engagement.